Assorted Still Lifes
"Too much of contemporary art has been lost in ( amongst other things ) absurd philosophical debate or preachy, in your face political sermonizing. Both of which, with few exceptions, miss entirely the potential of art." Ed V
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Come on! What more do you want from a painting ?
Still Life with Cartoon Rabbit and Orange Drip, 60x80 inches, 2016, oil, acrylic, enamel, spray paint, ink, gesso, mud with polymer medium and smoke stain on canvas.
All total there are about twenty from this series.
A painting doesn't have to be an "important" painting in order to be a good painting.
Still Life with Orange Drip and Painted Pumpkin, 60 x 96 inches, 2016, oil, acrylic, enamel, spray paint, ink, gesso, mud with polymer medium and smoke stain on canvas.
Still Life with Four Blue-Green Stripes, Two BB Holes and White Drips, 30 x 84 inches, oil, acrylic, enamel, spray paint, ink, marker, gesso, mud with polymer medium, smoke stains, wood glue, ball point pen and floor sweepings..
Once an image is added to a painting it becomes difficult to avoid a narrative. However, if you read the painting through the lens of process...things begin to change.
Still Life with Ten Red-Purple Stripes, Painted Bite Size Spiced Donuts and a BB Hole, 30 x 84 inches, oil, acrylic, enamel, spray paint, ink, marker, gesso, mud with polymer medium, smoke stains, wood glue, ball point pen and floor sweepings..
The rip is simply another element in the still life, a sort of conceptual compositional element. It sends the painting into an objectness that I like. So it moves from being "just a painting" to now being... a painting with a rip in it. Hello objectness !
Still Life with a Rip, Two Painted Donuts and Twenty Blue Stripes,30 x 84 inches, 2015.
Still Life with Mud, Two BB Holes and Red Drips, 30 x 84 inches 2015.
A good painting can't be caught, nailed down and finalized. Once that's dead.
With my work there is no endgame but rather an elusiveness that keeps it alive and transmitting.
Still Life with Four Blue Stripes and Floor Sweepings.
30 x 84 inches. 2015
Still Life with Painted Pear and Lower Case Letter O.
30 x 84 inches, 2015
Still Life with BB Holes, Painted Pear and Learn to Draw Rodent. 36 x 48 inches, 2015
Still Life with Orange Stripe and Three BB Holes, 36 x 48 inches, 2015